Welcome New Families Information Packet

Welcome to Troop 782, we’re glad you’re here!

This packet aims to organize information that new families need in an easy-to navigate format. Please reach out to a member of leadership if you have any additional questions.

What is Scout-Led?What We DoOfficial StuffAdult-Guided and SupportedAbout Troop 782
Scout LeadershipHow to Know What is Going OnAnnual Health and Medical RecordParent ParticipationHistory of the Troop
Adult LeadershipRegular MeetingsUniformsVolunteerParents Guide Document
Patrol Leader’s CouncilCampoutsBSA Registration and RenewalBe a Leader
Summer CampTroop DuesAdult Training Opportunities
Merit BadgesScoutbook Plus
High Adventure

Email Contacts

Additional information about Adult Roles in the troop can be found at Adult Roles and Contacts.

scoutmaster@troop782.org – Emails to either troop’s scoutmaster should go to this address.

membership@troop782.org, registrar@troop782.org – This goes to the New Member Coordinator.

medical@troop782.org – This goes to the person in charge of medical forms (Annual Health and Medical Record).

committee@troop782.org – This goes to all of the committee members.

webmaster@troop782.org – This goes to all of the webmasters.

quartermaster@troop782.org – This goes to everyone in charge of equipment.

treasurer@troop782.org – This goes to the troop treasurer and should be used for reimbursement requests.

advancement@troop782.org – This goes to the advancement coordinator and any assistants.

boardofreview@troop782.org – The scout (cc: parent) should email at least a week in advance to arrange a board of review. If the scout does not have their own email account, they should write the request email using the parent’s account.

greenery@troop782.org – This goes to the greenery fundraising team.

Next: What is Scout-Led? >