What We Do

Scouting activities vary by troop, and can vary with the interests of troop leadership over time.

How to Know What is Going On

The best place to look to find out what is going on is the troop calendar: https://troop782.org/events/

An adult does help with making sure that the annual plan gets recorded in the troop calendar, so that families can set aside time in their family calendar. The event details are up to the scouts, with some occasional help from adults to attempt to ensure good communication with families. We do try very hard to not have dates shift.

The Scout Webmaster is in charge of sending emails to everyone registered on the troop website. These emails have the latest information, as well as any last-minute changes to the calendar.

Please register with the troop website to receive troop emails: https://troop782.org/register/

Please note that these emails can get automatically sorted into Promotions or Spam in some email systems.

Regular Meetings

We hold meetings every week on the days that school is in session during the school year (school holidays are excluded), and at a park during the summer. The troop calendar has the latest and greatest details.


Spending time in the outdoors is one of the joys of scouting, and we try to plan an outing every month. These outings provide camping nights for rank advancement and certain merit badges; they also provide opportunities for scouts to cook for themselves and other members of their patrol, and to share responsibilities, like rinsing off the tent and ensuring the cook kit is returned spotless with all of the components. The troop calendar has the latest and greatest details.

Summer Camp

We attend a BSA Summer Camp every year as a troop. Summer Camp is the best way to bond with other scouts, practice leadership skills, earn merit badges, generally have a lot of fun, and come home exhausted and dirty with a giant grin from ear to ear. We are trying to plan summer camp further out, and put dates on the calendar as early as possible. The troop calendar has the latest and greatest details.

Merit Badges

Merit Badge Counselors (MBCs) are registered adults who know something about a particular topic, who choose to teach a class to scouts using a curriculum provided by the BSA. Merit Badge requirements are to be followed as written, no more, no less, and in some cases can spark lifelong interest in a particular topic. Certain badges are required to earn the Eagle Rank, and those can be time-consuming. It is wise to get those started early. For more information about what they are, please see also https://www.scouting.org/skills/merit-badges/.

High Adventure

Every year, members of the troop go on a high adventure, usually a Sierra Trek, Philmont Scout Reservation, or a Canoe Trek. We must have specially-trained leaders to make these trips happen. Please see Adult Training Opportunities if you can help make high adventures happen.

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