Eagle Scout Letter



Eagle Scouts

To:           Prospective Eagle Scout  

From:       Martin Lighterink

CC:         Adult Leadership, Committee

Date:        November 23, 2005

Re:          Eagle Scout Guidelines and Expectations related to “Being Active” and “Leadership”

I want to take a moment to recap what we are looking for from you in the way of participation and leadership over the next year as you work towards Eagle. When you feel that you can sufficiently demonstrate your active participation, leadership skills and other requirements then fill out and return to me a draft of your Eagle application.  I will then review it with the Adult leadership and Committee prior to authorizing your starting of work on the project.  I emphasize that it is important to demonstrate your leadership skills to the troop prior to starting work.  As a consideration in endorsing your candidacy as an Eagle Scout I will be looking for the following in the way of “Active Involvement” and “Leadership”.

Active in Troop

Attend Monday meetings in full uniform and participate. I would look for at least an 80% attendance rate over your 6 months period.

Attend 80% of the PLC meetings in a leadership capacity and in PLC required uniform.  Actively participate in the meetings.

Run several Skill Development sections of the Monday meeting. The Skill Development Section should run 20 minutes, be well planed, be interactive and should include handouts. (much like a school presentation)

Attend a majority of the monthly overnight trips and all service or other mandatory events (Green Sales, Scout Fairs, Etc)


Hold a significant leadership position (SPL, ASPL or Patrol Leader) or be Scout in Charge for a major event Like Summer Camp, Philmont or Sierra Trek.  In this role you need to tangibly demonstrate what you have done in a leadership capacity and articulate what challenges you were presented with, how you overcame them and what you learned.

Mentor a younger scout. Demonstrate how you have helped younger scouts understand the skills needed for rank advancement and how you have helped encourage them in their scouting career.