Part of scouting is dealing with official stuff, and while not all of it is required, it contributes to developing the scout mindset.
Annual Health and Medical Record (AHMR, or Medical Form)
This very important document is one of the ways that adult leaders keep your scout safe. The AHMR parts A and B are required every time we go anywhere as a troop. Part C (completed by a doctor) is required for events lasting 72 hours or longer, such as Summer Camp. They are good for 12 months, though, if your insurance or a medication changes, it is a good idea to update the AHMR and give us a new copy. Please fill it out completely, because it is for the ER Doc treating your kid.
Adults who participate in any scout activity also need to provide their AHMR to the troop.
Please see also for the actual form to fill out.
Plan to bring Part C along to their annual physical, and sooner if they are going to Summer Camp.
Please see also for more information.
Please reach out to troop leadership when you have your AHMRs ready.
Field Uniforms (aka Class A) are purchased at the BSA Scout Shop. The local one is next to the Council Office at 1207 Upas Street, San Diego, CA 92107.
New Scouts receive the following from the troop when they are registered and attend in full Class A uniform:
Epaulets: green
Neckerchief: 782 G uses the red ones, 782 B uses the green ones.
Neckerchief slide: 782 B uses the gray metal one, 782 G uses a shiny one; you can make or use almost anything for a slide (except cub scout slides)
Things to get from the Scout Shop:
Tan shirt
Green pants or shorts. Many scouts like the switchback uniform pant that can convert between long and short.
Green belt
Patches: the tan with the numeral embroidered in green version of numerals 7, 8, and 2, the San Diego Imperial Council shoulder patch, World Crest Scout Emblem, 1910 World Crest Ring (optional)
Green scout socks
Merit Badge Sash (eventually; not needed until you have merit badges to sew on)
Hat: optional. The green ballcap style is most common; you can also get a wide brim one for better sun protection.
Scout Handbook: They publish the same book with different covers, and different pictures: The Scouts BSA Handbook for Girls and The Scouts BSA Handbook for Boys
Optional: Handbook Cover. PUT YOUR NAME ON IT. It is a great place to stash important pieces of paper (such as the Totin’ Chip and Firem’n Chit), plus any new patches that aren’t sewn on yet, etc. Plus a pen! Scouts use the same book throughout their Scouting career, and the cover can help keep it from falling apart.
We keep a container of previously-loved uniform pieces, donated after being outgrown. Please reach out to leadership to see if we have anything in the right size, before purchasing new.
Activity Uniforms (aka Class B) are troop tee shirts. The first one is free for new scouts, and can also be purchased from the troop.
BSA Registration and Renewal
BSA National Registration is now done directly by the scout’s family. Please see our New Member Coordinator if you have any issues with registration or renewal. We can advocate for you if there is a hiccup that requires the Council Registrar’s involvement.
Initial registration of your scout with BSA: Boys’ Troop or Girls’ Troop
Initial registration of yourself: please see Adult Participation Policy
Renewal: Parent Renewing a Youth Guide
Renewal: Adult and Leader Renewal Guide
The Troop Committee meets annually to agree on the list of active leaders whose registrations can be reimbursed by the troop.
Troop Dues
The troop spends a fair bit on awards and rank patches, and this is covered by both fundraising and nominal annual Troop Dues. Troop Dues will be announced in an email closer to when they need to be collected (usually toward the end of the year, applied to the following year), or discussed at a Parent Meeting.
In 2024, Troop Dues were a discounted $20 prior to the due date, $30 after the due date.
If the scout has earned Scout Bucks by participating in troop fundraising activities, then those are automatically applied to Troop Dues.
Scoutbook Plus
Scoutbook Plus is the digital system that helps scouts track advancement through the ranks, track what they’ve done, and safely connect with Merit Badge Counselors who can sign off on the work done. You need to help connect your scout to the system, and they are responsible for entering their own advancement information.